Friday, April 13, 2012


So, I've been trying to get Ecplise to work with the SVN trunk, but I keep on getting errors : 

Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/!svn/act/211517ad-3601-0010-bf2a-d36de0e8e97a': 405 Method Not Allowed (
svn: MKACTIVITY request failed on '/svn/!svn/act/211517ad-3601-0010-bf2a-d36de0e8e97a'

I figured out what the problem was. It turned out that I was not 
grabbing the svn from https, just the http. Either I missed the "s" 
key when typing it in or what, I don't know. But, it is all fixed now. 

I had on the label HTTPS but on the URL there was only HTTP : 

SQLite plugin for Eclipse

How to browse an Android SQLite Database from Eclipse Kepler

CellObject SQLite Browser :

Questoid website is down and the jar can be downloaded from :

Requirements and how to use CellObject SQLite & XML Browser at

Java Sources at Google Code :

How To Install:

Inside the downloaded .zip/.tar file there's a .jar file named net.cellobject.sqlitexmlbrowser_1.2.0.jar. 
Just copy this jar file into the "plugins" folder of your eclipse installation directory, then restart your eclipse.
That's it.

I needed to create an SQLite database for an Android application I was working on. I wanted to browse the database of my application from within Eclipse, instead of pulling it out and browsing with another application.
If you just want to do a little bit of debugging, see if your tables get created the way you want and similar things, there is a very nice plugin for Eclipse that might fit you:
  • Download  the CellObject SQLite & XML Browser plugin.
  • Unzip it
  • Put the .jar file you just extracted inside your eclipse plugin folder (/plugins)
  • restart Eclipse.
  • Start your emulator or plugin in the device on which you installed the application you want to test
  • Open the DDMS perspective in Eclipse (Window —> open perspective —> other —>DDMS)
  • Select your application database (you find it under data/data/[yourapplicationpackage]/databases)
  • Now click on the icon of CellObject browser on the upper right, it will open the CellObject SQLite Browser View.
Instead of Opening DDMS, we can open the CellObject SQLite & XML browser in our Java perspective itself by opening it from Windows--> Show View --> Other --> Other --> CellObject SQLite Browser...

adb shell
sqlite3 /data/data/
adb pull /data/data/ .
sqlite3 DatabaseName.db

Other solution :