Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blogger - Vertical Scroll Box


  Horizontal Scroll Box on Blogger ?

[WebMethod(Description = "Method to obtain Assigned Products - produse listate - to Clients by Zone or by Name ; default = BELEIU, CENTRAL, HYPERMARCHE")]
public AssignedProduct[] ReturnAssignedProducts(string theZone, string theAgent, string theClient)
    SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
    string sqlSelect = " ";
    // string sqlSelect1 = " ";
    if (theZone.Equals("") && theAgent.Equals("") && theClient.Equals(""))
        sqlSelect =
                        " SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT MAX(dbo.PersoanaFizica.Nume) AS AgentName, MAX(dbo.PersoanaFizica.Prenume) AS AgentSurname, MAX(dbo.Zona.Denumire) AS AgentZone, "
                      + " MAX(dbo.Persoana.Denumire) AS ClientName , MAX(dbo.DocumentDetalii.ProdusID) AS ProductID, dbo.Produs.Denumire as ProductName, MAX(dbo.Document.Control) as LastOrder"
                      + " FROM         dbo.[Document] INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.PersoanaFizica ON dbo.[Document].Utilizator_ID = dbo.PersoanaFizica.PersoanaFizica_ID INNER JOIN"
                      + " dbo.Persoana ON dbo.[Document].Persoana_ID = dbo.Persoana.PersoanaID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Comanda ON dbo.[Document].DocumentID = dbo.Comanda.Comanda_ID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Utilizator ON dbo.[Document].Utilizator_ID = dbo.Utilizator.UtilizatorID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Zona ON dbo.Utilizator.ZonaID = dbo.Zona.Id INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.DocumentDetalii ON dbo.[Document].DocumentID = dbo.DocumentDetalii.DocumentID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Produs ON dbo.DocumentDetalii.ProdusID = dbo.Produs.ProdusID "
                      + " WHERE     (dbo.Zona.Denumire LIKE '%CENTRAL%') AND (dbo.PersoanaFizica.Nume LIKE '%BELEIU%') AND (dbo.Persoana.Denumire LIKE '%HYPERMARCHE%') "
                      + " GROUP BY dbo.Produs.Denumire "
                      + " ORDER BY dbo.Produs.Denumire "
    else if ( theZone.Equals("") && theAgent.Equals("") && !theClient.Equals(""))
        sqlSelect =
                        " SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT MAX(dbo.PersoanaFizica.Nume) AS AgentName, MAX(dbo.PersoanaFizica.Prenume) AS AgentSurname, MAX(dbo.Zona.Denumire) AS AgentZone, "
                      + " MAX(dbo.Persoana.Denumire) AS ClientName , MAX(dbo.DocumentDetalii.ProdusID) AS ProductID, dbo.Produs.Denumire as ProductName, MAX(dbo.Document.Control) as LastOrder"
                      + " FROM         dbo.[Document] INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.PersoanaFizica ON dbo.[Document].Utilizator_ID = dbo.PersoanaFizica.PersoanaFizica_ID INNER JOIN"
                      + " dbo.Persoana ON dbo.[Document].Persoana_ID = dbo.Persoana.PersoanaID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Comanda ON dbo.[Document].DocumentID = dbo.Comanda.Comanda_ID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Utilizator ON dbo.[Document].Utilizator_ID = dbo.Utilizator.UtilizatorID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Zona ON dbo.Utilizator.ZonaID = dbo.Zona.Id INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.DocumentDetalii ON dbo.[Document].DocumentID = dbo.DocumentDetalii.DocumentID INNER JOIN "
                      + " dbo.Produs ON dbo.DocumentDetalii.ProdusID = dbo.Produs.ProdusID "
                      + " WHERE (dbo.Zona.Denumire LIKE '%CENTRAL%') AND (dbo.PersoanaFizica.Nume LIKE '%BELEIU%') AND (dbo.Persoana.Denumire LIKE '%" + theClient  + "%') "
                      + " GROUP BY dbo.Produs.Denumire "
                      + " ORDER BY dbo.Produs.Denumire "


    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSelect, dbConn);
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand(sqlSelect, dbConn);
    List list = new List();
    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
        AssignedProduct target = new AssignedProduct();
        target.AgentName = row["AgentName"].ToString();
        target.AgentSurname = row["AgentSurname"].ToString();
        target.AgentZone = row["AgentZone"].ToString();
        target.ClientName = row["ClientName"].ToString();
        target.ProductName = row["ProductName"].ToString();
        target.ProductID = row["ProductID"].ToString();
        target.LastOrder = row["LastOrder"].ToString();
    return list.ToArray();

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